• Banat fietsreis 2024
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2018 ADRfietsreis-vertrek1




ADR-Cycling tour: June 2018 click here 






IMG 5623Lauren and Elien are 2 students orthopedagogics, Karel De Grote Hogeschool in Antwerp. For the course 'Transcultural challenges across borders' they had to make a trip abroad. They went to Slatina-Timis in January 2018. Read more 







Cycling tours 2018 read more






November 2017: trainingsweekend fire fighting team in Slatina-Timis.

Read more. 




BrandweerwagenFire truck Renault bought by the commitee has been transported by volunteers to SVSU Slatina-Timis. A trip with a several stops. In July a training was given to SVSU. read more








Painting works in the medical centre: September 2017 : read more 





May 19 th, 2017: a truck with materials for the homecare project left for Slatina-Timis. The beds, rollators, wheelchairs, tricycles etc. will be divided into the region around Slatina-Timis . {gallery}mediotheek_2017{/gallery}  

School-rugbyteam: May 2017. After winning the provincial championship the rugby-team of the school of Slatina-Timis took part in de national competition with coach  professor of sports: Adrian Neagu in  Suceava. The rugbyteam  obtained an exellent result in the national competition, they became 3rd. Newspaper.  More about the school of Slatina-Timis: facebook: click here {gallery}rugby_2017{/gallery} 





Active organizations in Slatina-Timis: regional trainings for OLB, OLF and GLT-Golden Hearts.  OLB and GLT were organizing the jogging and other activities : May 2017: read more







institut franais 3

The French Embassy in Romania and the "Institut Français" organized for the seventh time "Rencontres Européennes the Transylvania" in Cluj, Zalau and Oradea, 8-9-10 and March, 2017. This year the theme was health care. Johny Suru (ADAMS), Cristina Vladu and Jozef Goebels participated (total 130 participants). There was a lot of interest in ADAM as a solution to health care in rural areas and this was included in the final resolutions.


sponsortocht fiets1Cycling Sponsor Tour : June 9 - 19, 2017

From June 9th till 19th ,2017 a second cycling tour is planned from Timisoara, in the South-West of Romania: the Banat, the Southern Carpatians.  Besides the flat rides and hilly nature parks, there  has to be climbed considerably.The Transalpina is laying on the route, the highest mountain pass in the Carpatians.  We 'll visit Taut (Bihor) and Armenis (Caras-Severin), 2 villages where the home care project 'll be started.

more info?  read more


social map1



Social Map of Slatina-Timis: influence of the social -medical center read more









Romanian Restaurant Day: 19th of February 2017: see pictures






Case study Slatina-Timis


Case Study – How some communities can be healthier than others
By Anamaria Popa On November 14, 2016 ·
The Open Network for Community Development made a scientific study in Slatina-Timis, Caras-Severin County, Romania, proving that home care based on solidarity within rural communities does reduce the overall cost of first line medical services. text here 





Fraternization Party 2016read and see more 





Home-care project

fietssponsortochtDuring 9 days the cycling team: Jef, Jos en Guy completed 1050 kms and 10.000 altitude meters in Romania. It is the cycling sponsor trip to support the home care project. If you are thinking "What a performance!" Show it and donate to the projectl 

Account: BE10 0000 0000 0404      

BIC: BPOTBEB1  Koning Boudewijnstichting

structured communication  “128/2897/00026”

From € 40 (art.145/33 WIB) on or more  Koning Boudewijnstichting can deliver in Belgium a tax certificate.  

report and photo's of their trip: click here

sponsortocht fiets2 sponsortocht fiets1

thuiszorg foto 





Despite the fact that Romania is a member of the European Union, getting sick or growing old in Romania is not the same as being ill or growing old in Belgium. This is why ADR-Vlaanderen, in collaboration with The Open Network for community development, is starting a pilot project (click here) for the development of social and medical support services and home care in six Romanian villages. 




Akabe, scouting group of Geel, camping in Slatina-Timis: July,24 - August,2 /2016 click here


3 Days trekking from Slatina-Timis to Resita: 50kms 





WWF-bison-rewilding program in the Banaat: click herebeer 

facebook: click here

There are still living bears in the region of Slatina-Timis, in the mountains behind the hamlets: Sadova Noua and Ilova. Cameras placed in the bison hillock  for tracking the bisons took pictures of a bear ... more info click here 

with nice  photo's of the Southern Carpathians in which Slatina-Timis is situated: click here

 CNN - Great Big Story - Planet Earth - about Rewilding Europe's efforts to bring back the European bison. Click here

Encounter a wilder nature in the Bison Hillock in the Tarcu mountains in Armenis, close to Slatina-Timis. Track the mighty bison and bear like a ranger. click hereBizons 1b




mtb logoMountainbike tour - June, 5 - 12, 2016 : 17 mountainbikers from Geel and surroundings togheter with a supporting team were exploring the region Slatina-Timis in the Southern Carpatians :report and photos; click here 




Gheorghe Roma



June, 5th 2016  Gheorghe Roma (PNL) is re-elected (3rd term) as mayor in Slatina-Timis. The composition of the new council is not known yet. Licu Dragomir is still vice-mayor.  





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May 28th  TON  organized in the region Slatina-Timis a training day for OLF(women organization) and for OLB (Men organization): click here 




May 2016: 4 Firefighters of Geel in Slatina-Timis. click here 






May 2016:OLF-Slatina-Timis on pelgrimage to Medjugorje {gallery}Medjugorje{/gallery}




April 2016:  supporting group  social organizations in Slatina-Timis: click here 







caras online 01-16In the Caras-online news you can read an article about the application of European funds by the commune of Slatina-Timis click here

- renovation of the waste water treatment plant, Geel constructed it in 1994

- a new road from Ilova to Sadova-Veche

- green space in the centre of Slatina-Timis





25th Romanian Restaurant Day: 620 guests.

Report and pictures: click here

Express de Banat: click here





oravita anina trein



Oldest Romanian mountain railway Oravita-Anina-Oravita'll also be operated in 2016.  info  click here

Oravita with the Mihai Eminescu-theater and Knoblauch-pharmacy is certainly worth to be visisted. click here









Bigar winterBigar waterfall in wintertime! photo's: click here 

Business Insider: One of the  "27 of the most incredible natural wonders in Europe" is the  Bigar waterfall, along  road 57b from Anina to  E70 . article: click here

Then you can go on the same road until the watermills of Eftimi Murgu Unesco heritage: click here



a1 timisoara lugoj

Just 65 km normal road from Geel to Slatina-Timis. Last July the section of the A1-highway between Arad and Mako has been opened for traffic and now also the section between Timisora and Lugoj can be driven by car. The project was completed six months earlier than planned. From this motorway you have a beautiful view on the 1000ha vineyard of Recas.


foto 15

GLT "Golden Hearts" from Slatina-Timis did on December 6th, 2015 an activity "Together we 'll make childr'n happy!"It was a solidarity-action for the orphanage of Zagujeni. 60 Christmas presents were made for all the children of het orphanage; click here





 AGLT - Letter: click here 








A successful fraternization celebration party: click here  






Preliminary meeting firefighters : Erasmus+ project "Train the trainer" - September 23th - 27th, 2015 : click here 




Jozef ambassadeur Baekelandt



Jozef Goebels president, VZW Geels Roemeniëkomitee and ADR-Vlaanderen was  in Bucharest, September 30th,  to meet the new Belgian ambassador Mr Thomas Baekelandt.

more on the facebook of the Belgian embassy:  click here





Festivities in Slatina-Timis: a wedding party in August 2015: click here







Slatina-Timis counts on EU-money: an interview with the mayor in Caon-online: September, 8th  2015.

Summary:click here  




kerk 5


Catholic Church: the roof has been renovated: click here






1aSummercamp GLT Golden Hearts Slatina-Timis in           Brebu Nou - August 17th-22nd. photo's: click here 

4 leaders of the GLT Golden Hearts Slatina-Timis, participated at the national camp for the Glt groups in Romania. click here  


 zonneboiler 1


Solar Water Boiler for the orphanage of Zagujeni: click here     





In 2016 the support-trip will go on from March 30th to April 6th in Slatina-Timis. On Sunday, April 3rd, 2016, the jogging 'll be organized.   





TON filmTON (The Open Network for Community Development) made a movie about her activities from 2014 until now. GLT (youth movement), OLF (women organization), OLB (men organization), ADAM (mutual organization for health care) and CLD (organization for local development) are presented. click here  




Natural Parc Semenic: movie  click here   




DSC 1115May 2015: Marc and Bart were visiting the firebrigade of Slatina-Timis, Caransebes and Resita. They were attending meetings and an excercise with the firebrigade of Caransebes on a parking place near the E70.

report and photo's: click here

SVSU-Slatina-Timis participated at the provincial competion in Resita 12-06-15. The voluntary firemen obtained an honorable third place. Photos  click here 


school ST  ISU Semenic"Prietenii Pompierilor" in Caras-Severin, 15.05.2015. Pupils of the general school of  Slatina-Timis participated at the day of "friends of the firemen" organized by  ISU- Semenic in Resita and obtained the second place at the tournament. Anton, commandant of SVSU Slatina-timis, and Patricia, teacher, were the coaches. 

Photos:  click here


persconferentiePress conference Resita in the office of Case, ADAMS: model of rural health care.
Pavel Aghescu (President ADAMS) organized a press conference with written press and TV, together with DSP, Red Cross. Jozef Goebels gave an overview of B-Ro cooperation and ADAMS setup, TON, master plan and future, and vision on Romanian healthcare. Cristina Vladu, Johny Suru, DSP and Red Cross answered questions. Christina Vladu gave a short overview of the preliminary results of the statistical analysis on Slatina-Timis. click here 





May 9th, 2015: regional OLB-training in Slatina-Timis: photos click here




jogging 1


Sunday May 3rd  2015 the 21th jogging and 'Flemisch Fair" were organized in Slatina-Timis jogging. Saturday May 9th  2015 the regional meeting for OLB goes on in Slatina-Timis  OLB . click here



The mediotheek materials in the hall on the military domain in Geel are sorted by volunteers of CM international Mechelen-Turnhout and sympathizers of the Geels Roemeniëcomité. What is in good condition goes to Romania and developing countries, the bad materials are dismantled and removed.{gallery}hal{/gallery}



OLF training



OLF-training in Slatina-Timis: click here  



 marie vanwing1


Marie Vanwing, student social high school Thomas Moore Geel,was atying for 3 months in Resita. GLT Arcus from Resita made a nice film for Marie: click here  






Elise, student orthopedagogie Karel De Grote High School in Antwerp was one week in Slatina-Timis toghether with a colleague-student to compare the social assistance in Romanie with ours ...


her report: click here 






Pension Roma in Slatina-Timis: click here








Johny Suru got the decoration: Knight of the Order of the Crown: click here    





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Fire Brigade Exchange: September 2014: click here    





182 grens



Cycling tour: Geel - Slatina-Timis: 2230kms, 23 days