Both GLT "Golden Hearts" as OLF and OLB are very active this Spring!

There was a regional training in Slatina-Timis for these 3 groups.

The training of OLB men organization) took place on May 1st. 2017. The main theme was organzing the jogging and its related activities. Sunday May 7th the "Crosul Primaverii" was a success.  GLT Golden Hearts, (youth movement) had also differtent activities e.g. the sale of pancakes.  Also the ball-race  on the Slatinoara-river was followed by a lot of people! KWB-Larum was supporting financially, but they weren't present. OLB did it for the first time alone. 


Regional training GLT Golden Hearts took place on Saturday May 6 th 2017.  Istvan Hesfelean from national GLT-Romania was present   {gallery}GLT-2017_training{/gallery} Regional training OLF, women organizationtook place on Saturday May 13th 2017. {gallery}OLF_2017_training{/gallery}