

 stadhuis inzameling



December 1989: townhall of Geel










December 21, 1989: adoption of Slatina-Timis by the town of Geel





January the 9th 1990, the European Coordination Committee  "Opération Villages Roumains" decided : Geel had from that moment on Slatina-Timis as its adoption-village .


25 years ago, in January 1990the first convoy drove from Geel to Slatina-Timis. They were passing  Timisoara where the revolution started.

Photos taken by the 4 pioneers {gallery}revolutie{/gallery}


first committee in Slatina-Timis January 1990                                         presents for the council of Geel : January 1990










With photo's, token during the first visit, members of the committee in Geel were going to all the parishes of Geel in order to collect money. Also leaflets were made to inform the inhabitants of Geel about the situation in Slatina-Timis.

part  of leaflet 1                                                                                          part of leaflet 2











Karel Dams, owner of a transport firm, drove with his truck to Slatina-Timis. A delegation of the committee accompanied him. Also Frans Van Doninck - Huvatrans and Bart Schoeters with Jos "van 't Bakhuis" organised transports to Slatina-Timis for free. The committee provided the documents and the goods and helpers of the committee were always going with the convoys in order to divide and deliver the goods on a correct way.










From June the 22th untill July the 8th 1990, the dance group of the school, 33 children between 10 and 14 years, five adults, four farmers and three guest musicians visited Geel. They performed at the city festival, in Bobbejaanland and several other places. They stayed in host-families. This made the relationship between inhabitants  of Geel and Slatina-Timis even stronger. Jef De Busser provided free transportation.{gallery}albumkinderdansgroep{/gallery} roemrest1992

Many organizations from Geel gave presentations or organized an activity for the benefit of the committeeFrom 1992 on, a Romanian Restaurant Day was organized annually February 21, 2016 it 'll be 25th restaurant. 



From  September 1-14,1993  the folklore group Slatinoara was invited in Geel together with 8 participants from the municipality of Slatina-Timis. This time, the dance group consisting of adults, they were all staying in host families. {gallery}albumfolkloregroep{/gallery}The official twinning between Geel and Slatina-Timis was signed on the city council in Geel March 30th, 1992. In April, a large delegation from the city council of Geel visited Slatina-Timis.










At the City Council of  March 14th 1994, the incorporation and statutes of the association Geels Romania Comittee were approved and also published in the Belgian Offical Journal. The Association is a non-profit mixed organisation with 10 representatives of the political parties in proportion to their representation in the City Council and 10 members of the Romanian Committee. The Governing Board consists of three members from the political group and three members from the committee fraction. The other members of the Committee, Romania are added non-voting members.